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Last Chance

Readers of Jane Porter's Flirting with Fire will enjoy this clean, seasoned romance set on the Monterey Peninsula.


After a devastating divorce, Lian Shu does what she has always done—escape into the comforting embrace of any place but home. But the location she chooses, the Valentino Inn at Pacific Grove, California, will be closing after her one-week stay, leaving her with yet another loss.


Roman Valentino doesn't want to sell the inn, but circumstances offer no other alternative. Buried under a mountain of debt, with the added pressure of his fiancée to buy their first home, he shutters his own hopes and dreams of preserving his grandparents' legacy and the historical place he has always called home.


During their week together, Lian and Roman forge an unlikely friendship that threatens to derail Lian's career and Roman's engagement. But what if their tender feelings for each other are their last chance at love?